February Astrology

After a productive January, the cosmic energy shifts to one of relaxation and romance. Just wait to pursue affairs of the heart until Saturday and use the the beginning of the week to focus on getting projects finished by the weekend.  

When the serious Scorpio Moon that rules the week transitions into Sagittarius early Sunday morning on the 4th, everything becomes about having fun and finding true love. Good luck getting anything else done!

The second week of February brings bravery and romance, especially Tuesday and Wednesday under the Capricorn Moon that’s in conjunction with Mars and Venus in the same sign; the perfect combination of cosmic energy to initiate passionate connections with added courage to make the first move. Whether it’s a romantic partnership, friendship, or business relationship, this is a great time to take action on those feelings and see where it leads. 

If you’re not looking for a special someone, the energy of this week is also conducive to practical matters like tying up any lose ends and organizing, or focusing on making things easier on yourself by finally taking care of those things you’ve been putting off. Either way, the week is strong with initiative. 

And with the New Moon in passionate Aquarius on Friday the 9th followed by the emotional intelligence of a Pisces Moon come Sunday, the weekend’s energy supports new relationships that begin with deep and meaningful conversations leading to connections that will last a lifetime. 

If you’re making plans for Valentine’s Day, you’re better off celebrating earlier in the week and avoiding making plans on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The midweek Moon is ruled by Aries and Taurus, and those energies tend to bring out controlling and domineering attitudes that could potentially ruin date night. Your best bet for a romantic Valentine weekend is to spend quiet, quality time working on something creative with someone you’re close to when the Sun enters Pisces and the Moon is in collaborative Gemini on Saturday and Sunday. 

By Monday the 19th, the Moon has nestled into caring Cancer where it stays through Wednesday, and the loving energy of the month continues through Friday. Ending on a Leo Moon, expect positive vibes all week and nurture those new connections to strengthen bonds. 

On Saturday the 24th, the Full Moon in Virgo is opposite the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Pisces, and trine Jupiter in Taurus. With the planets in these positions, expect truth to prevail and true friends to be confirmed. These energies support positive transformation and shedding the things and relationships that hold you back. 

In the final week of February, a level headed Libra Moon leads us to Leap Day on Thursday the 29th when it moves into Scorpio. This week we return to rational thinking and less romancing, getting back into the grind of routine potentially with new partnerships forged earlier in the month.

Published by Sarah Jelly Fish

Artist and Intuitive.

2 thoughts on “February Astrology

  1. Thank you for sharing your insights on February astrology! Your detailed analysis provides a fascinating glimpse into the cosmic energies shaping this month. I appreciate how you break down the planetary movements and their potential impacts on different aspects of our lives.

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