January Astrology

The New Year begins on Monday with a Virgo moon in harmony with the Capricorn Sun and fun-loving Uranus, making the holiday a good one for relaxing and daydreaming. And with Mercury going direct this day and for the next three months, count on less misunderstandings and mishaps than the end of last year. But by Tuesday the energy kicks into high gear and it’s a great week to get started on those resolutions after a day of rest and contemplation. 

The balanced Libra moon on Wednesday makes working with others go more smoothly and lasts through Friday, so get to work on those group projects. The week ends with the moon in serious Scorpio opposing playful Uranus, working with strong, determined earth elements, so it’s a perfect time for cutting ties with that which isn’t working, and making space in your life for the things that need it most. 

Sagittarius leads the week on Monday the 8th, bringing its fiery can-do energy, followed by a tenacious Capricorn midweek to welcome the New Moon on Thursday. This is the weekend to lean into your resolutions if you really want to see them develop. With an Aquarius moon moving into Pisces Friday through Sunday, find time to connect with loved ones as this energy inspires meaningful conversations. 

On Monday the 15th, MLK Jr. Day, the weekend’s energy continues into the workweek creating a vibe perfect for taking on challenges and finding ways to work together. With a moon in Aries most of the week, determination is at its peak. Followed by the Taurus moon Thursday and Friday, the entire week will be productive as these signs are unstoppable. Get done what you can before the weekend though, when the Sun enters expansive Aquarius and the Gemini moon has everyone eager to get out to socialize, have fun, and shirk responsibilities. 

After the energetic weekend, the caring Cancer Moon that begins Monday night on the 22nd will have everyone staying close to home and with the people who matter most. Thursday’s Full Moon in sunny Leo means the end of the week is for what makes you happy. Take a couple days to treat yourself, then shift gears Sunday and treat someone else who could use the gesture. The philanthropic Virgo Moon energy this day supports the serving of others. 

On Monday the 29th, this energy continues and only gets stronger on Tuesday and Wednesday when the Moon moves into open-minded Libra. While it will be easy to get swept up in helping others with their projects during this time, don’t forget to nurture the intentions and resolutions set earlier in the month, or they may get swept under the rug. Use the momentous energy of this month to focus on your goals in order to see them through the rest of the year.

Published by Sarah Jelly Fish

Artist and Intuitive.

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