November Astrology

A little late due to some personal stuff going on. My dad died and I’m just getting back to my to-do list.

Mountain Living by the Moon

After a fun start to the week, the energy continues one more day into November with a Gemini moon Wednesday the 1st, so don’t count on getting much done until the energy shifts. On Thursday and Friday as the moon passes through Cancer, the sign of home and family, take these days to spend time with loved ones and do some chores around the house. 

For the weekend, pencil in some much-needed time doing what makes you happy as the moon nestles into sunny Leo. With Saturn going direct on Saturday the 4th, you may feel inclined to shirk fun for responsibility, but it can wait until the moon is in Virgo on Monday the 6th. This energy starts the week with an eye for detail and problem solving. The whole week will feel productive, as it ends in Libra Friday the 10th, a sign that encourages teamwork and understanding. 

On Veteran’s Day, November 11th, this all wears off when the moon moves in Scorpio Saturday morning. This broody sign will bring heightened emotions and the potential for hurt feelings. Luckily, the Moon and Sun in Scorpio, and Saturn in Pisces form a trine that helps keep fiery tempters in check. 

On Monday the 13th, we move from Scorpio to Sagittarius, who guides us into the New Moon; an excellent opportunity to get started on tackling your to-do list and initiating the next steps of a larger project. This energy lasts through the week as Sag’s gumption can make anything happen. And with a committed Capricorn moon coming to help on Thursday the 16th you can bet on manifesting any goal you set your intentions to this weekend. 

The moon is firmly in Aquarius Monday the 20th, making all the dreams from last week seem even more possible. And as the moon shifts into Pisces and stays through Wednesday the 22nd, it gives that extra boost of creative inspiration to see your project to fruition. Especially now that the Sun is in Sagittarius, bringing with it that arrows-ablaze energy for the next month. 

On Thanksgiving, Thursday the 23rd, an Aries moon makes things heat up quickly, especially with Sagittarius ruling the day. Try to enjoy the holiday and avoid hot topic issues that will ultimately lead to disagreements. By Friday, the down to earth Taurus moon will have everyone more level headed and feeling ready to get back to the grind come Monday.

On the 27th, a full moon in Gemini lights up the sky and the week as this sign is full of fun energy that makes the holiday weekend last just a few days longer. Let the festivities continue and worry about getting things back in order at the end of the week. This is when the Cancer moon is favorable for taking care of responsibilities, and enjoy the productive energy well into December.

Published by Sarah Jelly Fish

Artist and Intuitive.

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